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An argument for why you should always sing in the shower.

March 23, 2021


Singing in the shower


Don't ask me why, but I started searching the health benefits of singing in the shower and it turns out there are quite a few. So here are our favourite reasons to sing in the shower

First of all we want to stress that you DO NOT have to be a good singer, goodness knows I’m not.

 Singing makes you happy by releasing endorphins- put on a few songs you love, even if you’re not in the mood, your favourite songs should get you singing and get you pumped for the day. Or help you relax at the end of a long day.


Singing makes you healthier - A 2004 study compared the effects of singing with the effects of simply listening to music. In two separate sessions, research subjects either sang or listened to music. Those who sang showed higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody your body secretes to help you fend off infections. Listening to music (without singing along) reduced stress hormones but didn’t stimulate the body’s immune system.


Singing is a stress reliever - Researchers in that study found that the amount of cortisol was lower after singing, an indication that people felt more relaxed after they’d belted out a tune. There’s a small catch, though: Cortisol only goes down if you’re singing in a place that doesn’t make you anxious, that’s where the shower comes in!

Singing in the shower


Singing helps your memory - Singing along to a song you know improves your mental alertness and your ability to remember things. Singing is actually a tool advised to dementia and alzheimers sufferers to help them maintain their memories.


Singing Improves your breathing and can help with snoring- Because singing involves deep breathing and controlling when the breath is released, it strengthens your respiratory muscles if you sing regularly. Regular singing may change the way you breathe, even when you’re not singing. Researchers in a 2008 study interviewed the spouses of choir members, along with the spouses of people who don’t sing.

The researchers found that significantly fewer choir members snored. This led them to recommend regular singing as a potential treatment for snoring.


Singing maintains a healthy heart - Shower music has the same effect as a breathing exercise. It relaxes our muscles and relaxes our whole being. Through such movements, the blood is oxygenated and hence a healthy heart.

Singing in the shower


Singing exercises the facial muscles- Singing, especially when done enthusiastically, makes you move most of the muscles in your body, especially the ones in your face. It’s an exercise that has powerful benefits for muscle elasticity and also for the skin as singing provides elasticity while delaying the appearance of wrinkles. Bravo for music!


Check out a couple of our playlists, we’ve got one for your morning wake up shower and your evening wind down shower. You’ll notice that all songs are around 3 mins long, which happens to be the exact amount of time you should need to do a full body scrub.




SInging in the shower

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